US Media Consulting recently announced a representation deal with The Wall Street Journal, Portada asked Bruno Almeida, Managing Director and Founder of US Media Consulting about the details of the agreement.
Portada: We understand US Media Consulting will have the exclusive representation for pan-regional sales made from Florida? Please confirm.
Bruno Almeida, Managing Director and Founder, US Media Consulting: “US Media Consulting will be the only representative for The Wall Street Journal Americas (WSJA) for the Florida region. WSJA is the largest pan-regional business advertising medium in Latin America and the premier source of daily global business and financial news in Spanish and Portuguese. US Media Consulting will be also managing the global sales for Mexico and the Caribbean including WSJ’s online properties and WSJ Magazine."
We understand that the exclusive representation for Mexico and the Caribbean goes both ways: for ad sales into The Wall Street Journal Americas products and for having Mexican and Caribbean advertisers buy advertising in the Wall Street Journal U.S.?
B.A.: “Yes, this is correct. US Media Consulting will be managing global sales for Mexico and the Caribbean, which will include not only WSJ Americas, but also WSJ global editions (US, Europe, & Asia), WSJ’s online properties and WSJ Magazine. US Media Consulting will be opening offices in Mexico City with a new sales force exclusively dedicated in promoting the newspaper to local agencies and clients. Meanwhile, our Miami headquarters will manage the WSJA sales and global sales responsibilities for the Caribbean market."
Do you potentially see at one point having the exclusive representation for the rest of Latin America also?
B.A.: “We are delighted to be the only representative for the WSJA managing pan-regional ad buys. The WSJA is the fastest and easiest way to reach the largest Latin American business and consumer market. WSJA guarantees top-notch advertising opportunities to decision-makers in an uncluttered environment, adjacent to specific editorial features and offers category exclusivity."
Will US Media Consulting also sell into the U.S. Hispanic editions of The Wall Street Journal?
B.A.: “We will be focusing only on Wall Street Journal Americas throughout the region. The WSJA offers branded pages in Spanish and Portuguese, fully integrated in the business section of local newspapers, not an insert. With a circulation of 1,604,850, WSJA ispublished daily in 17 editions in 15 countries, providing pan-regional coverage with local penetration in La Nacion (Argentina), El Mercurio (Chile), El Tiempo (Colombia), El Financiero (Costa Rica), Listin Diario (Dominican Republic), El Comercio (Ecuador), La Prensa Grafica (El Salvador), Siglo XXI (Guatemala), La Prensa (Honduras), La Prensa (Nicaragua), La Prensa (Panama), El Comercio (Peru), El Nacional (Venezuela), Portafolio (Colombia), and Valor Economico (Brazil).”