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What are the most effective ways to reach South Florida Hispanics, many of whom hail from Central and South America? Black Sheep Miami’s President Dan Austin says it depends on just who you are trying to reach. Inside he explains which venues for different target audiences.


Portada: Which S. Florida print properties offer advertisers the most value in terms of reach and response in your view?

Dan Austin: As with any efforts, this varies by audience.  To date, most of what we have done in the South Florida market has been with more affluent Hispanics, not necessarily more acculturated—but a mix of 2nd or 3rd generation Cubans that are acculturated and a growing 1st generation affluent group coming from throughout the Caribbean, Central & South America and even Spain. As a result, we have had success with mixing local and Latin media in the mix. 

For print, we have relied on El Nuevo Herald(83,000, daily, Spanish), especially giving emphasis to the many special sections they have on business and the arts. We also mix in Diario las Americas(70,000, daily, Spanish).  El Nuevo Herald is somewhat richer from a content view than other Spanish-language newspapers in the US and allows for more content-related messaging and media selection.

P: Which online destinations are good venues through which to reach S. Florida Hispanics?

DA: The online space has more options.  Of course, there is also El Nuevo Herald and combination buys to be done between print and online. Then South Florida geospecific users from Univision, Telemundo and Yahoo. But from an affluent perspective, especially dealing with the many 1st generation Hispanics coming from throughout the Americas and Spain mentioned above, websites within Latin America have a more emotional connection that also allow creative messaging to be targeted.  For example, we sometimes have great ideas that work better with certain words or expressions used in certain countries and this can be better accommodated this way without alienating Hispanics from other countries.  For example, for LendingTree we had several types of OOH and online messaging communicating how with LendingTree “Cuando los bancos compiten, tú ganas”—When Banks Compete, You win.  In Mexican online media targeting US IP addresses, we could say “En México, no pasa ni en las novelas”—In Mexico, this doesn’t even happen in soap operas”—tying to the market’s affinity for soap operas), and in Argentina “No te pellizques, no estás soñando”—Don’t pinch yourself, you’re not dreaming—as home mortgages have never really existed there as they do in the US).

P: What unique challenges does the south Florida Hispanic market present to advertisers that other U.S. Hispanic markets do not? 

DA: From our perspective with those clients that have targeted South Florida, it is the mix of Hispanics from different origin markets, different generations and even different socioeconomic levels that are so pronounced here and exist in big numbers.  I’ve lived and worked in Los Angeles, Phoenix, New York and Miami and, at least in the last 10 to 15 years, the South Florida Hispanic market has grown from one of primarily Cubans to one with Latins from throughout the Americas and even Spain. Not everybody reads El Nuevo Herald or The Miami Herald, so one has to reach out beyond just the media with a physical presence here. 

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