Go South, Young Man: Advertisers Go after the Dominican Market [2-B]

A number of companies, including Delta, American Airlines, and JumpTV are interested in tapping the Dominican market. Although the main Dominican newspaper, El Listin Diario, does have a website, it does not have the geo-targeting capabilities advertisers


A number of companies, including Delta, American Airlines, and JumpTV are interested in tapping the Dominican market. Although the main Dominican newspaper, El Listin Diario, does have a website, it does not have the geo-targeting capabilities advertisers would like to see, which would allow them to see how many visitors accessed the site from a particular area, etc.

With a total population of close to 765,000 Dominicans are now one of the largest Hispanic groups in the United States; less numerous than the Mexican Americans majority and Puerto Ricans, and about even with Cuban Americans. Currently the largest concentrations of Dominicans living in the U.S. are in New York (455,061), Florida (170,968) New Jersey (102,630).

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