America Economia launches Peru Edition

Panregional Business Magazine launches local edition


Miami, Florida, May 26, 2008.-AméricaEconomía, a pan regional business magazine in Latin America, has announced the official launch of a new local edition in Peru.

AméricaEconomía Peru published its first editition May 5th, printed on heavy, glossy stock paper. This is the fifth local edition of the panregional business magazine. AméricaEconomía already has local editions in Brazil (1996), Mexico (2005), Ecuador (2006) and Chile (2007).

Felipe Aldunate, chief editor of AméricaEconomía, explains: “Peru’s economy is showing strong growth and is increasingly going global. A new innovative editorial formula was needed to address these changes.” A new local chief editor Fernando Chevarria has helped us combine content from the regional edition with local information as well as opinions from leading Peruvian columnists such as Rolando Arrellano, Susan Elespurru, Robby Rolsdan, Alfredo Ferrero, Fernando Zabala, Patricia Teullet and Julio Luque. 

In Brazil AméricaEconomía is now preparing the re-launch of its website in Portuguese, expected to take place in August.  A local team of four web journalists are being hired to join the AméricaEconomía team.

Elias Selman, CEO of AméricaEconomía, states: “The rules of the game in the dynamic media marketplace in Latin America keep changing and we have consistently thrived by anticipating these changes.  AméricaEconomía is strong today because we are the only panregional business publication in Latin America published as well as audited on a regular basis. Expect us to announce further business developments in the future.”

Nils Strandberg, President of AméricaEconomía, says: “We engage a powerful community of business and government decision makers across 17 countries. This is a leading audience with 273,424 print readers and more than 139,000 internet users throughout the world. We strengthen our relationship with them regularly through a series of events, research and other initiatives.”

Related Article:

July 17, 2007: 2007 Increase in Panregional Advertising

September 11, 2007 ANALYSIS: Why Print Media is Enticing Panregional Ad-Sales Representatives

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