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Maybelline/Garnier’s Hispanic Advertising/Marketing Strategy

What is in store for this large Hispanic magazine advertiser? Is there a digital advertising expansion in the offing? Daniel Villarroel, Director, Multi-Ethnic Marketing, Maybelline New York Garnier and Ilia Leon VP/Director of ZO Multicultural ZenithOptimedia talk to Portada.


Maybelline/Garnier is a major advertiser in Hispanic print—mostly magazines. Its major brands include Fructis, Nutrisse, Garnier 100% Color, Nutritioniste and Fructis Style. Two major decision makers in the Maybelline/Garnier Hispanic Advertising process talk to Portada.

Portada: Do you think that there are enough good media vehicles in the Hispanic magazine market for Maybelline-Garnier to advertise in?

Daniel Villaroel, Director, Multi-Ethnic Marketing, Maybelline New York:

There are some great existing titles in the market and, of course, there is  always room for more – if launched correctly.  What's interesting about the existing Hispanic magazine titles are their expansion into the digital medium. I expect to see more growth in print and their digital extensions in the next few years.

Ilia Leon, VP/Director of ZO Multicultural ZenithOptimedia: Most certainly and this medium has evolved quite nicely editorially and now moving into the digital space.

What print and digital media vehicles would you like to see more of?

Daniel Villaroel : “The sky's the limit here – any new media vehicles should do their research to determine what the market wants.  There is room for growth in all categories to allow anything offered in the Spanish language market to be as robust as anything that's offered in the general market.  This is not to say that new offerings should be a translation of anything offered in the general market – on the contrary. Successful Hispanic print and digital media vehicles in the USA are written for –  and cater to – the U.S. Hispanic consumer.”

Ilia Leon: On the Spanish-language side, my personal opinion is that we should first work with what we've got since it's quite extensive already and then continue to build these titles within the digital space. Why digital?  Because digital will continue to change how we interact with media as well as people all over the world and Spanish speakers have now traveled beyond borders. There are many niche environments that can ultimately blossom in both the Spanish-language as well as the English-language to attract Hispanics.   However, to understand where the opportunities lie we must start off by analyzing demographics, then category development and consumption patterns, as well as media activity. Why media activity?  Because without this your insights are incomplete and not painting the full marketing picture. There are still so many categories to develop in the Hispanic world, particularly amongst the unacculturated that are quite young and will continue to be the influencers of their U.S. born children or grandchildren.  Chances are that if you have no brand/product presence in Latin America that you have little or no affinity with Hispanics in the U.S. without also marketing your brand/product in Spanish.

Has Maybelline-Garnier's allocation to Hispanic media increased over the years? If so why?

Daniel Villaroel : Maybelline New York*Garnier recognizes the purchasing power of the Hispanic consumer and understands the importance of investing in Hispanic media.  It's a reality of the market that our country's demography is changing and all marketers should research and understand this important shift and how it affects their future marketing strategies.

Ilia Leon: Yes, these brands have become household names because they've done their marketing homework and delivered on brand experience.

What changes in the breakdown of the media allocation have  happened this year (e.g. shift to online media buys)?

Daniel Villaroel : All advertising mediums are opportunities!  All marketers should look at  their target and age groups, analyze the competition and capitalize on the different mediums to reach the different audiences. There isn't one set formula – everyone must do their homework.

Ilia Leon: You must first know where you are with your brand before you know where you're going in the Hispanic marketing space. Every brand calls for individualized strategies based on the category, brand and consumer cycle of progression.

What role do events play in Maybelline-Garnier Advertising-Marketing strategy?

Daniel Villaroel : Experiential marketing is as important for the Hispanic consumer as it is for every demographic target – it's always good to get the consumer  to touch, try and feel the product.  But when speaking directly to the Hispanic consumer, you invite them to be a part of your brand and they  become loyal users.

Related Article: Shying away from Hispanic FSIs, Cosmetics giant Places online and ROP Advertising(Oct. 2007)

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