Chronicles from across the pond: JM Beltrán “Best Wishes”

We are very pleased to intoduce  "Chronicles from across the pond", a new regular feature by digital marketing expert  Juan Manuel Beltrán. Based  in Madrid , Spain, Beltrán will be writing insight and thought leadership articles twice a month. He will analyze the "marketing-tech revolution" that the advertising and media industries are going through and the wide implications this has for practitioners.



We are very pleased to intoduce  “Chronicles from across the pond”, a new regular feature by digital marketing expert  Juan Manuel Beltrán. Based  in Madrid , Spain, Beltrán will be writing insight and thought leadership articles twice a month. He will analyze the “marketing-tech revolution” that the advertising and media industries are going through and the wide implications this has for practitioners.

Translated by Candice Carmel
Fotografía: ...marta...maduixaaaa. Bajo licencia Creative Commons

As much as globalization strives to make our small world even smaller, there are still things that do not change or change ever so slowly before becoming universal. This delays the “trip” as these concepts or practices “get to know” countries, places, and continents little by little, at their own pace and rhythm.

The advertising market has shown itself to be a constant, but moody traveler when selecting itineraries—making stopovers as needed, but generally adhering to what its “relatives” do.

What does that mean? Well, if a trend is born in the United States, the first stop it’s tried out in is usually the UK and once the “family” is satisfied with the results, the trend then spreads according to its own criteria and it becomes difficult to guess what the next stopovers will be.

That said, this column will attempt to provide an overview of what is happening in Europe with regards to the Internet market, without this necessarily determining the fate of anything. What is now happening in Europe and what is about to happen may be a model, a reflection or a feature that doesn’t necessarily have to be inevitably implemented in any other market.

There are many things we share and a lot of others that set us apart too, but we need to be aware that big companies go about introducing uses, ways and cultures in places where they make their money, and that determines a way of doing things according to patterns or trends that have proved effective.

The advertising world responds, to a large extent, to what a small group of large corporations wants them to respond to, so it’s no wonder that these trends are very recognizable in all the markets these companies operate in.

What is global has come to stay for good, and that is nowhere truer than the Internet. So, we will be dedicating this space every other week to comment on trends, things, and processes that are in vogue in old Europe, in the event it can help those in the new Americas to know and anticipate what’s cooking on these other burners.

What are the topics and trends discussed today?

Almost all of those related to automatic channels for buying, selling and managing advertising—the final frontier that some are promising as the paradise and solution to all Internet advertising ills.

Dragged by this unstoppable train and hanging by the stirrups, we can talk about the terminology and language – an interesting topic, now that we finally have a “glossary” that is adapting to what the various Spanish language academies advise – of the expected changes in professional relationships arising from the implementation of technology; along with stereotypes (right or wrong) generated around the implications of using new management channels; the future of digital advertising and its strange relationship with the physical world and money, the engine of it all; and what our esteemed readers will provide, with their well-thought out insults to the columnist.

I promise your comments will always be welcome.

Best wishes from across the pond,

Juan Manuel Beltrán


beltranJuan Manuel  is a media and advertising professional since the 80s, he has worked in many areas related to advertising management, such as media buying for TV and print. Since 1994, he has worked on Internet-related sales, purchasing, and management. For the past three+ years, Beltrán has been in charge of the Spain Business Development at Improve Digital, a company dedicated to optimizing inventory for editors.

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