Teads CEO Jeremy Arditi: “Publishers Should not Hand the Key to the Castle to Google Like They Did 25 Years Ago.”

Jeremy Arditi, the Miami-based executive recently promoted to Co-CEO of Teads, has interesting views on the key drivers moving the global digital marketing industry. Portada caught up with Arditi and learned about his views on the ChatGPT threat/opportunity, Teads' growth and revenue breakdown, and more...


Jeremy Arditi, the Miami-based executive recently promoted to Co-CEO of Teads, has interesting views on the key drivers moving the global digital marketing industry. Portada caught up with Arditi and learned about his views on the ChatGPT threat/opportunity, Teads’ growth and revenue breakdown, and more…

Founded in 2011, Teads, the omnichannel platform for digital advertising through quality media, has been one of the protagonists of the ascent of ad tech. That is why Portada caught up with Co-CEO Jeremy Arditi to ask him about his company and the global digital marketing ecosystem.

Jeremy Ardity: Teads Revenue Breakdown and Growth

Jeremy Arditi
Jeremy Arditi, Co-CEO, Teads

Broken down geographically, Teads largest markets are the U.S., with approximately 40% of revenues; Europe, slightly less than 40% and Latin America and the Asia Pacific area, with 10% each. (Last week, Teads announced that it is organizing its Latin American organization into four regional units, whose leaders will directly report to Arditi).
According to Arditi, the market growing at the highest rate – “healthy percentages” in Arditi’s words – is the United States—driven by Teads’ out-stream product and new services in CTV and the performance – areas.  “Recently, we have invested in performance advertising and solutions for commerce and retail, including in measurement of the lower funnel to become omnichannel. We have seen growth there,” Arditi asserts.
Broken down in branding and performance solutions, Arditi comments that despite the growth in lower funnel revenues, Teads’  business is still 75% an upper funnel branding business because video remains primarily an upper funnel media experience. Interestingly, Google and Meta’s branding/performance ratio is tilted toward performance, as opposed to Teads,  with approximately 60% of their revenues residing in performance solutions and 40% in branding. At Teads, “roughly 65% of business is video advertising, 10% display branding solutions, while performance (lower funnel) solutions make up the remaining 25%,” Arditi notes.

[comillas] The automotive and fashion advertising categories are growing at healthy rates, while tech is in a slowdown compared to pandemic times.[/comillas]
Regarding advertising categories,  Teads is doing particularly well in “automotive as well as luxury/fashion/beauty, while tech is in a bit of a slowdown compared to pandemic times,” Arditiy says. Those three categories are the main ones and together amount to 35% of the overall business, while entertainment, travel, CPG, and financial services amount to no more than 12% each.

In 2017 French telecommunications company Altice bought Teads for US $ 308 million.“We are quite autonomous in the way we operate the business.” Arditi assets: “They are primarily a telco business. However, we have found interesting ways to leverage the data assets (first and zero-party data), particularly in the U.S., where they build interesting products through their Cablevision unit. So we have been able to create a product for close loop measurement of the entertainment community.

Jeremy Arditi: ChatGPT’s Impact on Publishers

One competitive advantage of Teads is the sustainable data solution it can provide in a cookieless world. The backbone of this service is the high-quality media the company monetizes through exclusive relationships with publishing partners.  Is the consumer adoption of ChatGPT going to make publishers’ visibility smaller than through the search engines? Will this ultimately impact publishers and Teads’ monetization opportunities? Arditi says, “This is a fascinating time, which undoubtedly will have an impact. Publishers need to have a highly differentiated editorial approach. That will also help them to monetize; people will continue to consult them more proactively than just going to ChatGPT for all the answers. They need to reach out to new audiences and not hand the key to the castle to Google as they did 25 years ago.”
[comillas]Publishers need to have a highly differentiated editorial approach. That will also help them to monetize. [/comillas]
Asked whether Teads has seen changes in traffic patterns due to consumers using ChatGPT, Arditi answers that not in a meaningful way: ” You would think that publishers would get less traffic from Google and Bing. But not for now, as some factors mitigate this trend, e.g., sports consumption. In the medium term, we may see more of it.
He adds, “Maybe individual publishers are seeing a decrease in some categories. I think that cold content and evergreen content like health and wellness are likely to be the more challenged categories; perhaps also food with recipe content, but it’s not an overnight shift.”
[comillas]Cold content and evergreen content like health and wellness are likely to be the more challenged categories by ChatGPT. [/comillas]
Arditi also thinks that the ChatGPT threat will put positive pressure on publishers who overextended the user experience with highly disruptive ad experiences to provide more positive user experiences for understandable monetization experiences.

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