Our distinguished panel tells Portada of its plans for the coming year:
Mario Dueñas, Publisher, Semana News(Weekly, Spanish, 125,000):
Yes. Semana News has just completed an extensive overhaul of our website to accommodate more editorial growth and digital marketing capabilities. For 2007, we anticipate considerable growth in this division. Originally hosted by HDN, we feel this hands-on control will allow us the necessary latitude to develop this media and ultimately enhance our exposure.
Brent Murphy, Publisher, Mercado Bilingue (Monthly, Bilingual, 75,000)
We have a national web effort launching in late December.
Loida Ruiz, National Sales Manager, La Voz (100,000, Spanish, Weekly) andLa Vibra (225,000, Spanish, Weekly)
We do offer online advertising on our site, Chron.com and we have targeted campaigns to target Hispanics through our site chron.com or chron.com/Spanish. We offer behavioral targeting to online readers who are registered as Hispanic or regularly read chron.com/spanish. We also offer e-mail marketing to Hispanics.
Myrna Cortez, Sales and Marketing Director, Conexion (50,000, Bilingual, weekly), Cancha (25,000, 2xweekly, Spanish)
As we develop our products, we will evolve our offerings as well.
Jose Luis Garza , Publisher, El Periodico (60,000, Spanish, Weekly)
Yes, in fact, we are working on that
John Brown, Sales Director, El Diario de El Paso (20,000, Spanish, daily)
Our Juarez newspaper is on line at www.diario.com.mx.