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Changing Places: Marta Cobos, Laura Lacalle, Paola Uribe, Virginia Pereira…

David Sable {Y&R}, Marta Matui {BorghiErh/Lowe}, Marcelo Amaral {BorghiErh/Lowe}, Juan Campmany {DDB}, Sandra Piedrahieta {Proximity}, Paola Uribe {Zonaprop}, Alvaro Touzón {Mi Querido Watson}, Beatriz Suárez {Mi Querido Watson}, Ana Serrano {Mi Querido Watson}, Mapi Merchante {Zenithmedia}, Marta Cobos {Agent Yellow}, Laura Lacalle {Ocio Media}, Mikel Lekaroz {Hi Media}.


Virginia Pereira unitl recently Leader of the panregional VISA account at OMD in Miami has left OMD. OMD has not announced a replacement for Pereira yet.Virginia Pereira has taken a new position at MasterCard in Miami. MasterCard’s agency is UniversalMcCann. 

Y&R Advertising has appointed David Sable, the vice chairman and chief operating officer of Wunderman, as its global chief executive. Sable replaces Hamish McLennan in the role. McLennan is leaving the agency to return to his native Australia for family reasons. Sable has worked at Y&R’s sister agency Wunderman since 2001. He was promoted to vice chairman and chief operating officer in 2005, and has also since taken on the running of Team Microsoft, which co-ordinates the Microsoft advertising account across WPP. He will continue in the Team Microsoft role alongside his new Y&R post.

The Brazilian agency BorghiErh/Lowe has appointed Marta Matui and Marcelo Amaral as its new Creative Directors. Marta Matui has been promoted after working for the agency for ten years and Marcelo Amaral will be in charge of the on line creative department.

DDB Spain has named Juan Campmany Chairman. Campmany has been working for the agency as President and CEO.

Proximity Colombia has promoted Sandra Piedrahieta to VP Creative and Alejandro Mesa and Pablo Wills to Creative Directors.

Zonaprop Colombia has announced the appointment of Paola Uribe as Commercial Director for Colombia. She will be in charge of the new clients in the country and the Latin American region.

The Spanish agency Mi Querido Watson has hired three new executives for its creative department. Alvaro Touzón, Beatriz Suárez and Ana Serrano will be part of the Production and Strategic Management.

Zenithmedia has named Mapi Merchante new Investigation Director. She will report to Eduardo Madinaveitia, General Manager.

Agent Yellow has appointed Marta Cobos as Account Director. Cobos has previously worked for El Laboratorio with brands like Mercedes Benz, El País, Teknosfera, Bety Byte and Bwin, among others.

OcioMedia Interactiva, the ITnet´s Spanish on line media company, has named Laura Lacalle as Commercial Director. Lacalle had worked for the on line department of Hachette Editorial Group.

Hi-media Spain has appointed Mikel Lekaroz as General Director. Lekaroz will be responsible for the marketing and on line strategy of the media.

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