Analysis Latin America

Soriana Ecommerce Director Rafael Castelltort Explains How Grocers in Mexico Are Racing to Ring Up Online Sales

Grocery and general merchandise retailer Walmart has 4.5 million e-commerce customers in Mexico, and its competitors, like E-commerce Director Rafael Castelltort at Soriana, tell Portada how they are racing to sell groceries online, building new digital infrastructure, deploying machine learning, creating alternatives to credit card payments and launching websites highly customized for e-commerce and home deliveries.

How Facebook is Cornering the Video Ad Market, also in Mexico

With more than 2 billion active users worldwide, and 80 million monthly active users in Mexico alone, the social media giant is boosting revenue at a faster pace than expected. An important part  of Facebook’s efforts and investments are going into the creation of a major video advertising platform.

Research: LatAm, the region with highest engagement on social networks : 8, 67 hours per month

n the last year, there have been significant developments in the digital landscape and Social Network audiences. Both mobility and connectivity have shown greater growth, especially in Latin America, where internet users spend at least 8, 67 hours per month, according to a research carried out by comScore Inc., making it the region with greatest engagement in social networks. Below, some highlights from the report:

Analysis: Implications of changes to the Google algorithm

A few days ago we reported that Google is updating its search algorithm by now including the number of valid copyright takedown notices received by websites. What implications does this change have on Google search results? Which results are going to be last and which simply will not show up?