Marketer Interview: General Mills’ Monica Granados – ” Less than 25% of Our Traffic Comes Through the English Site”

General Mills just announced the re-launch of its new and improved digital platform,  Monica Granados, assistant interactive marketing manager who oversees all Que Rica Vida digital content, spoke to Portada about the new initiative.


QRV_153 3General Mills just announced the re-launch of its new and improved digital platform,  Monica Granados, assistant interactive marketing manager who oversees all Que Rica Vida digital content, spoke to Portada about the new initiative. (BTW: Que Rica Vida’s history reflects the evolution of Hispanic Content Marketing, check the links at the bottom of this article).

Portada: What percentage of Que Vida Rica users are mobile right now? How do you expect that to evolve in the next five years?

M.G: “The majority of our traffic is attributed to smartphone. We see that figure increase YoY and anticipate it to continue to do so, as tablets and desktop are deprioritized in favor of large-screen smartphones.”

Portada: What is the ratio of visits to the English language site, vs total visits English and Spanish is there? How is this ratio expected to evolve over the next few years?

M.G: “Less than a quarter of our traffic comes through on the English site. Our audience naturally acculturates and the # of young, US-born Latinos increases, we imagine this may shift in favor of English.”

Portada: What insights is the re-launch based on?

M.G: “#1: The majority of Latina mothers value passing down family history to their children through cooking and is looking for food content that help them balance the connection between the American lifestyle and her Latin roots.
#2: Hispanic moms spend more media time on their mobiles than the average mom does.
#3: Hispanic moms need help understanding the value of coupons
#4: The Hispanic Millennial Latina Mom in the U.S. is thirsty for culturally relevant food content that she can easily find on her mobile device in her preferred language. While she is aware of digital ads and coupons, she is still not taking advantage of the ways in which she can save on her family’s favorite products.”

Portada: How do you target Moms that are not Millennials and perhaps more Spanish-speaking?
M.G: “Our Spanish dominant Moms love to come for the most traditional recipes on Que Rica Vida, especially when she is preparing for a big holiday or celebration. Therefore, the content aimed at connecting with her is a combination of traditions and tips to help make her life a little easier during these occasions. Additionally, Facebook has been key to our success with the Spanish dominant Mom, reason why our posts are mostly in this language.

[comillas]The majority of our traffic is attributed to smartphone. We see that figure increase YoY and anticipate it to continue to do so.[/comillas]

Portada:What is your amplification and social media strategy based on? E.g. do you work with blogger networks?
M.G: “We amplified news of our launch across owned channels (social + email) as well as through external blogger networks like Dime Media. We wanted our top contributors to take pride in the new platform, which will better showcase their content, but also took launch as an opportunity to connect with potential new contributors in our priority markets.”

Portada: What is the Latin American (Mexico and below) reach of Que Rica Vida and do you work with General Mills Latam to cater to that audience?
M.G: “We do see a high volume of traffic coming to our site from outside of the US, but we do not prioritize this audience considering that many of the products we feature are not available in those markets. In the future, we may work with international teams to extend the reach of QRV, as is relevant.”

Portada: Does Que Rica Vida have a print component or not anymore?

M.G: “The Que Rica Vida magazine was discontinued last year.”
Portada: What agencies did Que Rica Vida work with for this re-launch and how is it supported with media buys?

M.G: “We work with McCann for site design and creative, Ovative for organic search optimization, and M8 for social, email and media execution. We amplified paid content distribution and external ad rotation with our most efficient partners to amplify news of the re-launch.”


Sep 16, 2015 : General Mills Re-launches to Meet the Demands

Jan 15, 2015 : How General Mills doubles down on Hispanic Online Video: 6 things  You Need to Know

Sept. 27, 2012: BREAKING – Que Rica Vida Relaunches: Increases Circ. to 1 million

Jun 11, 2010: Marketer Interview: Rodolfo Rodriguez: “Que Rica Vida is open to Third Party Advertising.  

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