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Portada Quick Hits: Steve Jobs; Spanish-language Media in US; Sexist advertising in Brazil?

In our renewed weekly column Quick Hits LatAm, Portada presents the media, advertising and marketing highlights of the week in Latin America and the Hispanic market in US. We will cover what’s trending, what people are saying, and our own comments on these trends. In short, a gateway in English to the Spanish-speaking world...


In our renewed weekly column Quick Hits LatAm, Portada presents the media, advertising and marketing highlights of the week in Latin America and the Hispanic market in US.  We will cover what’s trending, what people are saying, and our own comments on these trends.  In short, a gateway in English to the Spanish-speaking world…

» Spanish-language media in U.S.

Recently in the Latino Media Conference at Hofstra University, the journalist Juan González said that “the Latin Press must reinvent itself”, “Hispanics are experiencing a similar exclusion in Internet media to what they are experiencing in off-line editorial desks”, “We have to create more dialog in our community and work together”, added González in Queenslatino´s article to emphasize the important role of the Spanish-language media in U.S.

» Two icons of technological innovation: Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie

Following their passing, La Nación takes a look at the legacies of these two important figures in the tech world who were in large part responsible for creating and contributing to today’s digital revolution. Infobae also highlights Apple's results in the last quarter, which totaled $110 million. By year’s end, the company is also expected to post a 43% increase over its previous year's income.

» The pros and cons faced by Netflix in Latin America

Last month, Netflix began its operations in the region by avoiding the difficulties caused by its expansion in the U.S. market. The company expects to begin generating income in the third year, after a planned investment of $70 million. Wall Street Pit presents an analysis of the Netflix situation in Latin America: its great potential for development, the region’s growing digital population, and its large percentage of social network users (which is why Netflix plans to integrate its services with Facebook, the leading social network in the region). But the outlook is not completely rosy: Netflix faces major competition from Telefónica, TerraTV, and Net Serviços de Comunicaçao SA, as well as weak broadband development in the region and reluctance on the part of Latin Americans to use credit cards online.

» Google Mexico: Why it is a leader in that country

Terra México presents an interview with Miguel Angel Alva, Director of Marketing for Google Mexico and Latin America. The executive talks about Google’s achievements in Mexico and the region, including integrating advertising with SMEs, its bet on YouTube, and its association with Android. Emphasizing the high percentage of cell phone users in Mexico, Alva said: "In regards to the future development of the Internet, we believe that mobile devices will help us bring the next generations of Mexicans users to the Web." For its part, América Económica notes that Google posted 80% growth in LatAm during the last year, so the company is expected to continue to invest heavily in the region.

» Brazil: Controversy over an ad featuring model Gisele Bundchen

The Brazilian government accused the Hope brand of promoting discrimination against women through the use of stereotypes that reinforce the concept of women as sexual objects. The brand’s latest campaign shows the model teaching a class on of how to deliver bad news to their husbands…in their underwear.

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