Changing Places [9-A]
Louise Kalechstein, Jim Heekin, Carlos Verdecia…
Louise Kalechstein, Jim Heekin, Carlos Verdecia…
Louise Kalechstein, Jim Heekin, Carlos Verdecia…
The Audit Bureau of Circulations Fas-Fax report shows strong growth in newsstand sales of Spanish-language magazines.
Researchers found a lack of pharmaceutical ads in Hispanic magazines for conditions that affect a significant number of these readers, including hypertension and diabetes.
Retail advertisers often lament that many Hispanic newspapers have not developed the ability to zone their editions.
Agencia Fronteriza (AFN), a Mexican border newswire agency has expanded its services to attract more Spanish-language media outlets in the United States.
The details of the deal. The value of the transaction. The implications for the Mexican publishing sector and for the U.S. Hispanic market…