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How Big Data is reshaping the understanding of the Hispanic Consumer

JUNE 20, 2013 2:00PM EST, 11 AM PST

Learn how advanced analytics can accelerate your Hispanic Growth Strategy

The pay-offs of Big Data and advanced analytics are no longer in doubt, but the impact to Hispanic marketing is still being discovered. In this session you’ll learn how Luminar is applying Big Data and advanced analytics tools to advance how Hispanics are being targeted in more precise and relevant ways. Through a case-study approach, attendees will gain a greater understanding of the process and the platform that is driving greater accuracy, more actionable insights, and improved proactive analysis for marketers.

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Webinar ID: 138-245-331


By most accounts, the majority of marketers have been exposed to the term Big Data in one-way or another. But few marketers truly understand what this technology is, what it offers, and more importantly, how it can be harnessed to dramatically improve the precision of Hispanic marketing programs.

The goal of this session is to provide attendees with a deeper and practical understanding of how big data is enabling more precise analytics. Participants will be exposed to the process, framework and analytics tools that are part of a Big Data solution. Luminar will share a success story on how a media and publishing company used big data to uncover new growth market opportunities and justify increased spend to reach Hispanics.
Attendees will walk away with a more clear understanding on what Big Data is, how it’s enabling marketers to gain deeper insights through empirical-based analysis and how Big Data can be applied to drive greater marketing efficiencies.


  • Understand how Big Data is impacting business today
  • Review the core elements that make Big Data possible
  • Understand how Luminar is converting vast data sources into actionable insights
  • Review a client case study that lead to better understanding of its Hispanic audience

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There are a number of factors that make our topic a “stand out” among other presentations:

  • Although there’s a lot of media exposure on Big Data, few marketers truly understand what it is and how it can impact their marketing efforts.
  • Luminar is the first Latino consumer-focused analytics and modeling company harnessing Big Data to generate actionable insights
  • Few companies in the U.S. have deployed robust analytics intelligence to more effectively target the Hispanic market

The target audience is primarily intended for marketing and business executives that are looking to leverage analytics to generate growth and efficiencies in their marketing programs.
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Oscar Padilla, Vice President of Strategy

Oscar Padilla, Vice President of Strategy

Oscar Padilla leads the strategic services for Luminar’s analytic and technology solutions. He is accountable for formulating new product and service offerings, as well as helping clients achieve higher efficiency from both analytic and technology solutions across online and offline media.

Most recently, Oscar served as senior director of Interactive Strategy at Vertis Communications, where he oversaw the strategic direction of the division. In addition, Oscar has worked with Hitachi Consulting, Blackboard Inc., RepEquity (previously Mindshare Interactive) and Bridgeline Digital.

With nearly 20 years of digital media under his belt, Oscar has provided expert perspective for industry trade publications and has been published in Mobile Marketer, DMA News, 1to1 Magazine, Value Retail News, Chief Marketer and iMedia Connect. Recent speaking engagements include O’Reilly Strata Conference, Portada Conference, Ventana Research and DMAW Bridge Conference.

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