RANKING: Top 10 Sports Sites Visited by US Hispanics

Which sports sites are the most visited by US Hispanic users? What types of content do they provide? Do US Hispanics prefer visiting news sites or the websites of their favorite sports leagues? Read on for the answers to these questions, drawn from comScore’s April 2017 rankings.

How the NFL Is Finding Value in Mexico

The NFL has become more popular in the Mexican market, creating a great business opportunity. An example of this is the game between the Oakland Raiders and the Houston Texans, which will be played in Mexico in November 2016.

McDonald’s Patricia Diaz: “More and More Latinos are Becoming Football Fans”

Hispanic’s passion for sports does not only have to be about soccer. At least that is what QSR giant McDonald’s tries to convey to Hispanic consumers through its  “Game Time Gold” Campaign. “We know that more and more Latinos are becoming football fans. In fact, Nielsen recently reported that 1.5 million Hispanics watched NFL games during the 2014 season. We also know that our Hispanic consumers are still loyal soccer fans, too,” Patricia Diaz, Director of U.S. Hispanic Marketing for McDonald’s USA, tells Portada.