According to the latest PricewaterhouseCoopers‘ Global Entertainment and Media Outlook: 2005-2009, after three difficult years there is a brighter outlook for Latin America. Magazine advertising is expected to grow at an annual rate of 5.5 percent.
Increased urbanisation is expected to mitigate distribution problems, while low-priced newstand titles and increased subscriptions are set to boost circulation spending. PwC believes the improved economic conditions will attract more foreign investment which will help stimulate magazine advertising.
According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, global Magazine ad revenues will increase at an annual rate of 5.5 percent and reach $25.7bn in 2009. This is a significantly brighter outlook than the advertising growth predicted for both newspapers (3.7 percent) and radio (4.3 percent).
In the US new launches in an upbeat economic environment are expected to boost consumer magazine advertising in the near term, although competition from digital media is expected to cut into long-term growth.US advertising is expected to total $25.7 billion in 2009, up 5.5 percent on a compound annual basis. Combined circulation spending for b2b and consumer magazines is expected to grow annually at 3.2 percent to $15.6 billion.