NYT expands in Spain


On May 6th, The New York Times introduced The New York Times International Weekly, a Spanish-language supplement that will appear every Thursday in Spain's daily El País (circ. 440,000). Through similar agreements The New York Times International Weekly was also published in Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung (circ. 440,000) and Italy's La Repubblica (daily, circ. 2.6 million). By partnering with The Times, these newspapers will be able to provide their advertisers with access to EuroReach, a pan-European advertising platform which includes other print vehicles such as The International Herald Tribune (daily, circ. 269,000,100% owned by The New York Times Co.), France's Le Monde (Saturday insert, circ. 407,000) and the UK's Daily Telegraph (Thursday insert, circ. 920,000).

The New York Times recently announced its intention to launch similar branded pages in the US Hispanic market (see “The New York Times launches new product, targets US Hispanic newspapers,” page 17, Portada® No. 9 May/June 2004). The Times already has a significant presence in Latin America. In January of this year, a Spanish-language Times supplement was launched in Panamá's La Prensa (daily, circ. 35,000, Sunday insert), and in February supplements were launched in Costa Rica's La Nación (circ.:daily 120,000, Sundays 150,000) and Paraguay's Noticias (circ. 30,000). It will be interesting to see whether or not the NYT creates a Latin American ad-sales network similar to the one it is creating in Europe (EuroReach).

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