Hewlett Packard’s current Latin American online advertising is very different compared to the mass media print, cable and online campaigns it has done in the past:
1. The Target
Since October 2006, US Media Consulting, a Miami-based online media placement agency, worked in conjunction with Hewlett Packard’s marketing director and Zenith Optimedia New York on a strategy to expand Hewlett Packard’s presence in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. In the past Hewlett Packard has targeted this audience via mass media (e.g. business sections of large circulation Latin American newspapers).
2. Media Vehicles Used
“We set our objectives on finding specific and very detailed industry publications,” says Juan Pablo Guzman, media buyer at U.S. Media Consulting. Juan Pablo adds that rather than being specialized or known trade publications, the chosen vehicles were very strategic with the attractiveness of being published and distributed by organizations within the targeted industries. “Both online and print media are being used. Some of the publications we are using for print and online are Amasfac (Mexico) and Seguro Total (Brazil), which are published by trade associations,” says Guzman. They have less circulation than regular publications because they only go to members. Strategically speaking, this is the first time Hewlett Packard is doing something like this, targeting industries through trade association publications. “We will analyze the process, the results and the reaction after the stages are completed,” says Guzman.
3. Stages
The campaign started in June and lasted until the end of August. An interesting side to this campaign is that it involves a lot of team effort for its duration. Both print and online planning is coordinated by US Media Consulting along with the local national branches of advertising agency Publicis. Initilally, the Mexican and Brazilian markets are targeted; then Argentina, Chile and Colombia.