A summary of the most exciting recent news in advertising technology in the U.S., U.S.-Hispanic and Latin American markets. If you’re trying to keep up, consider this your one-stop shop.
By Gretchen Gardner.
MARKETING AND ADVERTISING TAKE A STEP TOWARDS INTEGRATION: MediaMath has teamed up with IBM’s Universal Behavior Exchange (UBX) to integrate their products and give marketing professionals the tools they need to create unique consumer experiences. The company behind the TerminalOne Marketing Operating System™, MediaMath is thrilled to provide a solution for those that have been waiting patiently for the intregration of marketing and advertising technology.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: MediaMath’s educational branch, The New Marketing Institute, has launched certification courses in Spanish, first in New York City and online, with plans to expand to cities across Latin America soon. The courses will provide training in how to create a campaign, how to formulate an advertising strategy, and how to use and take advantage of advanced optimization tools. Visit the NMI website for more information.
LATIN AMERICAN AD-TECH LEADER E-planning launched AdExpert, a holistic Ad Server and RTB-enabled Ad Exchange for the US online advertising market. The product is free, and works seamlessly on Desktop, Mobile and Video to help publishers manage their campaigns and advertiser relationships.
A MIGHTY DUO: The Atlantic and Univision Digital, the digital division of Univision Communications Inc. (the the No.1 multi-platform digital property for U.S. Hispanics), have teamed up to put together a Spanish-language version of The Atlantic’s successful publication CityLab.com, which covers topics related to urban life like crime, politics, immigration, culture and the environment. It will be called CityLab Latino, will feature original journalistic coverage as well as content modified from CityLab. They are aiming to launch in early 2016 through Univision’s website.
PICTURE PERFECT ADVERTISING: Instagram has announced partnerships with a whopping 41 tech-marketing firms to help grow its advertising services. The company wants to eventually partner with over 100 vendors to better manage ad campaigns, engagement and content marketing. Some recognizable names on the partnership list are Adobe and Salesforce, along with a plethora of smaller firms.
NEVER ONES TO RUN OUT OF IDEAS, the creatives at Nike have put together a plan to begin advertising on The Weather Channel’s mobile app with suggestions on what to wear (or buy!) according to weather conditions. Since Americans are spending 60% of their online time on apps (according to Goldman Sachs), it makes sense that Nike, and many other brands, have shifted their advertising strategies to focus on applications.
BMW NORTH AMERICA has selected The Community as its Hispanic AOR. Trudy Hardy, vice president of marketing at BMW America, says that the choice was made because of The Community’s “unique understanding of our brand.” The Community, which is based out of Miami, will be in charge of developing strategy, creative, production, and custom digital and social solutions as well as brand events.
GERMAN GROUP ADDS TO U.S. VIDEO AND AD-TECH ASSETS.German Media Group RTL is leading a US $15 million Series A investment round in VideoAmp, a screen optimization platform for the TV and video ecosystem. RTL Group’s investment in VideoAmp follows its acquisition of a majority stake in Denver-based video supply-side platform SpotXchange. as well as in YouTube multichannel video network StyleHaul and BroadbandTV and a US$19.4 million investment in programmatic TV tool Clypd.
ARGENTINA MAKES WAVES: On November 10, Imagine Communications, a global provider of advertising and video solutions, signed a channel partner agreement with Pontis Technologies, an engineering, sales, and marketing company based on Argentina. The agreement is part of Imagine Communication’s effort to expand its presence in media and entertainment in both Central and South America.
“PROGRAMATICO LOPEZ” HAS ADVICE FOR YOU! Portada’s new character “Programático López” has put out a Guide on the Latin American Advertising Ecosystem in Spanish. Download the Guide here!
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS: App Nexus announced its purchase of ad tech firm Real Media Latin America (RMLA) from Peter Gervai, a Brazilian entrepreneur who bought it 13 years ago for a million dollars from 24/7 Real Media. While no numbers were given, the company has 40 employees working on projects in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, and lists Globo, Estadão, Walmart, MercadoLibre and El Universal Mexico among its almost 50 clients.
GLOBAD has officially launched its Media Solutions concept, designed to help clients better plan their digital campaigns. It will be executed by their 34 employees spread between the usual suspects of Argentina, Colombia and Mexico, and will serve their clients in Latin America, Spain and the U.S. Media Solutions will be split between two units: Branding for ad campaigns and Performance for generating engagement between clients and consumers.