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Sounding Off: Bill Hipsher “Using Content and Social Media Marketing Effectively”

Internet marketing has changed drastically over the years. While some SEO professionals are not big fans of all the changes that have taken place, they are for the better. Old strategies such as buying links are a thing of the past. Now, businesses have to truly market their business online by reaching out to their audience and providing them with something useful…

Sounding Off

Sounding Off: S. Echeverría “Affordable Care Act: Enrolling Latinos Using Digital Media”

Like many other industries, the healthcare industry will be facing a digital transformation which creates opportunities to leverage “big data” in ways that are more relevant and engaging for users. More than ever, insurers, HMOs/managed care and hospital groups need to develop communication strategies that connect culturally with this growing and thriving population. Close to 15 million Hispanics will benefit from The Affordable Care Act (ACA).