Marketer Interview – Reckitt Benckiser: “We are considering Print in our Panreg Media Mix”
An interview with Ricardo Monteiro, Regional Media and PR Director, Reckitt Benckiser Latin America.
An interview with Ricardo Monteiro, Regional Media and PR Director, Reckitt Benckiser Latin America.
Rockola.Fm is anonline radio station based in Madrid (Spain). It has a half million registered users spread all over the Spanish-speaking world, SiliconNews reports (article in Spanish). The company recently got a round of venture funding.
An interview with Ricardo Monteiro, Regional Media and PR Director, Reckitt Benckiser Latin America.
In our regular Best Practices Marketing to Hispanics feature (every Tuesday on, today we take a look at Macy's marketing practices. The below text is based on a presentation by Krystin Page, Macy's Multicultural Marketing Director, at our Fourth Annual Hispanic Digital and Print Media Conference (“Connecting National Brands to Local Audiences” last month.