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November 5, 2007

Changing Places [51-A]

Rob Stearns{QuePasa}, John C. Abbott{QuePasa}, Michael Matte{Que Pasa}, Charles Matthews{QuePasa}, Manuel Villegas(Lopez Negrete), Shayne Walters (ADS Media), Borja Perez (Yahoo-Telemundo)

Changing Places [10-A]

Rob Stearns{QuePasa}, John C. Abbott{QuePasa}, Michael Matte{Que Pasa}, Charles Matthews{QuePasa}, Manuel Villegas(Lopez Negrete), Shayne Walters (ADS Media), Borja Perez (Yahoo-Telemundo)

Behind the Scenes at AHAA’s 23rd Semi Annual Conference

Almost as important as what goes on on the panels, is what attendees say to each other at the networking events. Here is a recount: Online Advertising Sales Network, the state of the Hispanic print advertising market, Launches and closures and more….

At: AHAA’s 23rd Semi Annual Conference: Focus on Creative

The Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies threw its Fall Conference last week in New York City under the controversial title of “Is Hispanic Advertising dead?” Approximately 400 attendees from media properties and advertising agencies attended the

Changing Places

Rob Stearns{QuePasa}, John C. Abbott{QuePasa}, Michael Matte{Que Pasa}, Charles Matthews{QuePasa}, Manuel Villegas(Lopez Negrete), Shayne Walters (ADS Media), Borja Perez (Yahoo-Telemundo)

Behind the Scenes at AHAA’s 23rd Semi-annual Conference

Almost as important as what goes on on the panels, is what attendees say to each other at the networking events. Here is a recount: Online Advertising Sales Network, the state of the Hispanic print advertising market, Launches and closures and more….