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General Mills Re-launches Que Vida Rica

Will increase frequency to quarterly distribution. Engages new custom publisher and an ad sales representative firm


General Mills has announced the re-launch of its lifestyle publication, Que Vida Rica. The re-launched magazine will feature a new layout and design, and will seek to further tailor content to its Latina audience. Custom Publishing house En español, headed by Michaelle Fastlicht, has developed a new layout (the original layout had been developed by Editorial Televisa). In addition, General Mills has hired Miami based Leading Hispanic Media (owned by Publicitas) to sell advertising to third parties (companies other than General Mills) in Que Vida Rica.

Each issue of the magazine will provide consumers information in four distinct categories that can be paired with appropriate General Mills brands – “Ser Madre” (Being a Mom), “Ser Amiga” (Being a Friend), “Ser Mujer” (Being a Woman) and “Ser Mejor” (Self-Improvement).

The magazine is essentially seeking to re-align itself with its original intent: To offer useful lifestyle information to Latina women in a way that build brand affinity with General Mills’ products.

Related Article: General Mills Launches Coupon-heavy Custom Pub

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