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PRINT AD-TRACKING: Top Five Wireless Providers More than 80% of all 2006 National Wireless ROP

The $16.7 million National Advertising  of the top five wireless providers in 2006 represented about 83% of all wireless ROP investment targeting Hispanics in 2006, which amounted to approximately $20,065,000


The $16.7 million National Advertising  of the top five wireless providers in 2006 represented about 83% of all wireless ROP investment targeting Hispanics in 2006, which amounted to approximately $20,065,000

Spending not on Track for ’07…

If Q1 is any indication of what is in store for the coming year, papers will have to compete fiercely for ad investment from the category. In Q1 of 2006, these top 5 advertisers spent about $3.6 million. In Q1 of this year, however, the same advertisers spent just $1.4 million.

Some of this is due to 2006’s number two investor Cingular falling off the charts in ’07: “Cingular has decided to adopt the AT&T name and has, as a result, really pulled back in their ROP investment,” explains Diario La Estrella’s business manager Bill Vincent. “We’ve seen a slight increase in pre-prints, but nothing to offset the decrease in ROP investment coming from the category. Cingular has definitely had the biggest decrease in investment that we’ve seen,” he concludes.

 Investment as of March 26, 2007



















Note: For more detailed information, FSI activity, year on year growth comparisons and Q1 2007 data, contact Sales & Marketing Director Annette Fielman at 516 396 01 79 or e-mail [email protected]. To support the launch of Portada Ad-Tracking, Portada has developed a special charter program through June 15th.

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