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Content Preferences of Hispanic Teens

Data shows high Usage of cell phones to watch video content.


While Hispanic teens’ affinity toward cutting edge technological features might be a bit played up by those who stand to profit from it, it is certainly not all hype. A fast-emerging platform on which to reach them is mobile. A recent study showed that 63% of Latinos own a media-capable cell phone compared to 46% of non-Latinos and are 23% more likely to use their cell phones to watch video content according to MTV Networks’ Slivered Screen research.

Responding to such compelling data, MTV Tr3s launched a multi-carrier, bilingual mobile channel for Hispanic youth in March. The channel’s core components will be music downloads, ringtones and video content from some of the hottest names in Latin music, including Nelly Furtado, Luis Fonsi, and Paulina Rubio.

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